Debden Pentecostal Church
Coming up

15th September at 6.30pm - Evening service

    Peter Hawes will be over again to give a talk at our evening service. Peter is cattle farmer from near Braintree and a very engaging speaker. We always look forward to hearing him, please come and join us.

6th October at 6.30pm - Harvest thanksgiving

    With the harvest now gathered in we are looking forward to a special service giving thanks to God for all of his goodness and provision for us. Our special speaker will be Steve Prince, coming over from Bishops Stortford. Steve was with us last last year for this service and we are very much looking forward to hearing him again. As always, there will be refreshments after the service. We would love to see anyone from near or far come along and join with us as we sing some traditional harvest hymns.

1st December at 6.30pm - Evening service

    We are delighted to have a visit from Yan Hadley. We have known Yan as a visiting speaker for many, many years and are so pleased to welcome him back again to Debden. He is the author of a number of inspiring books and always comes to challenge, encourage and inspire us. Don't miss out, please come and hear what Yan has to bring us from God's Word.